Weekly Report Ending December 17, 2020

Another week and things have begun to slow down for the holidays now. We had our Staff luncheon and Christmas present exchange this week. We are fortunate that we all work together and as such, our chance of being exposed to COVID is very minimal. We decided to do a progressive lunch with the main course in one place and a dessert in another. It was sad to see the restaurants so empty this time of year.

Other highlights this week: Lynda continues to wring the truth out of the groups. Every time she gets some space, it results in a cascade of shifting of people, waitlists, and phone calls. She has been amazing to work with what magic she can to get people in. We love our guests and want to be able to help all of them.

Lisa has continued to filter through the Christmas cards that came back because people moved. I think as of this writing she is down to one last one to send back out. She is also begun investigating some digital document storage in order to try and make our office more portable. Having two offices about 2,000 miles apart has always been a challenge with records. The pandemic has created more opportunities to be portable.

Mark and Kristina continue to poke on many fronts. We have heard back from a majority of last year’s staff on their availability. They have also addressed some bottlenecks in the workflow. The new food menu continues to work its way through as well. They have also identified some staff training needs and are working to more formalize the material that is presented.

Mark also completed the project to update the content of our room book for the lodge. The update has been slowly progressing for just over two years now. We treat the main document as our “bible” for things guests need to know to be successful at Doc’s. He and Lynda will complete the formatting task and we should have new materials available for next season online, in rooms, and on the boats.

Weekly Report Ending December 17, 2020 Read More »