Driving A Boat

What do Alaska Salmon Fishing Boats Need for a Trip?

If you’re planning to go on an Alaska salmon fishing boat it’s important to get on the right track and have it filled with the right tools. Everything you bring with you must ensure 3 things in this order: safety first, good fishing second, and lastly comfort. With that in mind, here’s 5 things you might want to consider when fishing from a boat in Alaska..

5 Things You Need To Consider to have the best Boat for Southeast Alaska

  1. Fishing Equipment

If you’ve ever fished before you’re aware of the basics: poles, reels, lines, bait, and a bait knife so that you can get into angling. However, Alaskan river boats such as they are, require some more specialized gear packed in

To catch the type of game you’ll find in Alaskan fishing trips, you’ll need: 

  • hooks, 
  • fish bats
  • a halibut setup
  • pliers, 
  • weights, 
  • mooching rigs for salmon, 
  • a shark hook
  • and dip nets. 

Most lodges you’ll visit will have these provided for you, our fishing lodge at Doc Warner’s surely will. 

  1. Downriggers

A proper Alaska salmon fishing boat isn’t complete with one of these. Downriggers are simple, yet important devices to have in your boat. They keep your lure at a constant depth, and it can be adjusted and released for when there’s a bite. 

These are especially useful when fishing for salmon, since they are located at different depths at different times of the year.

  1. Coast Guard Equipment

This is related to the first point, regarding safety. As you well know, there’s coast guard required safety equipment to have in your boat at all times, in all places. This includes, of course, life jackets, which are not required to be worn by adults at all times, but it is strongly recommended. Aside from this, you need to also carry a fire extinguisher, lights, a visual distress signal, and a sound-producing device for rescue situations, among other things. These three items are especially important in case of emergency situations where rescue is necessary. And speaking of rescue…

  1. Marine Radios

Marine communications have been an essential part of boating since people have ventured out to the waters of the world. Nowadays, cellphones or radios are a required equipment for all who boat no matter the purpose. 

Even though we’re on an age with cell phone and satellite communications available everywhere, keeping an old-school radio that serves as a to shore can truly make a difference when the best of current communications equipment fails. This is especially true in the remote places of the very beautiful, yet very insular Alaska. The team at Doc Warner’s will make sure your boats are equipped with a UHF radio for constant contact with the lodge and other boats.

  1. GPS and Fish Finders

Current technology makes it possible for sonar and GPS devices to allow you to locate fish quickly and easily. With a combination of geolocation and sonar technologies, easy to use interfaces and the right instructions, you will save a lot of time trying to figure out where fish schools are located. More time to fish, less time to guess, more fun all around!

Hopefully, after reading this blog you’re ready for your next adventure in Alaska. If you’re looking for a lodge with the right boats to go fishing, Doc Warner’s offers the necessary Alaska salmon fishing boats all packed up with the supplies needed as well as sturdy construction and the best environments for you to explore and go fish!

 Visit our site to learn more about the amazing offers we have lined up for you.

What do Alaska Salmon Fishing Boats Need for a Trip? Read More »