
The Drying Room

In the early years at the lodge, we had a 14-kilowatt generator to provide our electricity. The generator was housed in a small room off the original boathouse. The radiator fan faced outside toward the trees. Several times during the summer, I noticed our staff placing their wet boots and clothing items on a ledge in front of the radiator fan. On occasion, I asked the staff how effective the warm generator air was at drying their clothes. They consistently replied that the drying process was a little slow, but it worked. …

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The Geo-Dome and the Sequence of Problems

In the mid 1990’s, just before we bought land and began building the lodge, we camped in Excursion Inlet, a short distance from our current location. The owners of the property were personal friends. The Gordon’s had purchased an aluminum geodesic dome and placed it on the property. The dome was in a secure area and seemed to have repellant properties to some of the big game in the area. We didn’t see a single bear while camping using the dome (nor did we see any elephants, woolly mammoths, or mastodons, so you can see how effective at repelling it was!) …

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The First Fishing Trip

Sometime during 1981, an Explorer Scout leader, Richard, phoned me* from Utah.  He wanted to bring his scouts on an Alaska high adventure fishing camp-out. At the time, I was working for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.  I told Richard that if he would bring the boys to Juneau, I would help arrange for the necessary equipment and suggest a place they could fish from shore, since neither they nor we had boats.

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Forever Students

I think I will forever be a student. Early in my reading career, I read a few ‘how to’ books and decided, after reading several, that the authors knew little about my business interests and probably started writing books because it was easier than running a business. However, research books provided much of the information I was seeking. One of my favorite authors is Jim Collins. Sometimes, in reading an entire book, I come up with one or two ideas that resonate with me.

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